Teams » Cross Country

Cross Country

  • Uniforms are school-issued and will be provided to the athletes.
  • Training Shoes: You need the proper shoes to stay healthy. Cross Country puts a lot of miles on your legs quickly and will result in injury if your body is not adequately supported. Please visit the Extra Mile Fitness Company @ and have them consult you on proper footwear for your season.
  • Spikes: Racing spikes are a great way to step up your running, especially if you are serious about pursuing cross-country in high school. Click here to learn about which pair is right for you! SPIKES SHOULD BE WORN DURING RACES ONLY. YOU MUST PURCHASE A PAIR OF TRAINING SHOES FOR PRACTICE AND WARMUPS.
Girls Head Coach: Lori Tonne  |  [email protected]
Boys Head Coach: Collin Warke  |  [email protected]